Woodio Natural Birch / Eco

Woodio Natural Birch / Eco

Sanitary Ware
Woodio Natural Birch / Eco
Woodio Natural Birch / Eco
Woodio Natural Birch / Eco
Woodio Natural Birch / Eco


Ecological Woodio Natural Birch solid wood composite material gives a new life to wood chips from Finnish Metsä Board Joutseno BCTMP mill (bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp) side-streams. The color of the material is an earthy brown, and the texture beautifully organic as the chips have travelled through the mill’s various stages. In everyday use, the Woodio material has the same features as traditional sanitaryware ceramic materials. The material production process does not require water or energy-intensive phases, unlike the ceramic’s combustion process, and this makes a big difference - for example, the carbon footprint of a Woodio washbasin is 80% smaller when compared to a similar sized ceramic basin. Material is fully waterproof, durable and sustainable.

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