Fixed lighting
FAVO - THE LIGHT CELL - flexible light structure in the interior
FAVO, the word comes from Italian and literally means honeycomb. The idea behind it: From the smallest unit, the big whole is created through interaction. This thought inspired SATTLER together with blocher partners to design the hexagonal, honeycomb-shaped structure as the basic construction of the Favo family, always with a light head in each node.
The FAVO CELL version is equipped with a direct LED spot with 24°, an indirect light component upwards can be controlled separately. The extremely heat-conductive thermoplastic base material ensures uniform cooling. The low weight and the modular design using snap-on connections allow for quick and uncomplicated installation.
Thus FAVO CELL can be used as an architectural lighting system wherever individually designed lighting solutions are required. Whether linear, diamond-shaped or as a creative free-form: FAVO - THE LIGHT CELL can be flexibly adapted to the respective architecture.
In addition to the anthracite surface, other timelessly elegant and emotionally appealing surface colors are available for the first time: dark sand silver and copper.
FAVO CELL as SINGLE, as a single light cell with six downlights, or DOUBLE with ten downlights, are available as predefined variants, with current-carrying suspensions from a canopy.
All versions of FAVO CELL INDIVIDUAL, in any number of honeycombs, are available with direct and indirect light emission and also in the three different surface colors.