Air inlet control AC72

Air inlet control AC72

Door fittings


Air inlet control AC72 In the event of fire, industrial buildings must be quickly cleared of smoke in order to protect human life and material assets. In addition to the smoke extraction flaps on the roof, the targeted supply of fresh air plays a decisive role in this respect. Hörmann has therefore developed the air inlet control AC72 for the integration of sectional doors and rolling shutters into the secured smoke extraction concept in accordance with the standards. The AC72 can be integrated into existing or planned smoke and heat extraction systems (RWA) and thus replaces additional ventilation flaps. The air inlet control AC72 can be combined with the Hörmann industrial door operators WA 300 R S4 and WA 300 AR S4 for rolling shutters and the WA 300 S4 for sectional doors.

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